Giuseppe Benenati

Xylene revolutionises the way wood is offered on the market. Based on a user-friendly process, the concept is to document every step of the wood supply chain, from the forest to the final product. Xylene specialises in the tracking of timber products from logs to processed products. The unique Source2Store process not only enables the tracking of the wood supply chain, but also validates the origin of the wood as certified or not. An app for mobile devices such as smartphones enables data acquisition and transfer. A web platform meanwhile enables wood control and management. The app provides a user-friendly interface to ensure easy data acquisition and process optimisation. Automatic data entry (GPS position and volume) paired with matching of the individual process steps reduces fraud through the use of real-time reports in the case of rule violations and prevents illegal wood from entering the supply chain. The end customer, as well as each supply chain partner, can visually understand the entire wood supply chain by means of QR codes. This system offers the best combination of reliability, feasibility, cost, and information.

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