Dr Victor Lopez-Castellanos

This proposal aims to improve public transportation and mobility in Mexico City by incorporating the positions of buses (including electric variants) into an intelligent transport system. This will reduce uncertainty in passengers, allowing them to plan their trips more efficiently. Passengers will be able to use their mobile phones to determine when to arrive at bus stops instead of waiting in line in unsafe places or during unpleasant weather. This idea promotes the use of public transportation and helps to reduce car use, which in turn lowers carbon emissions, as well. The GNSS-based system involved will also improve security and lower crime rates. For example, it is possible to automatically track and detect buses that have been forced to stop for long periods or to deviate from their original route by criminals. Transportation authorities, meanwhile, will have the capability to monitor and plan routes with increased efficiency while factoring in transit times, demand, and route traffic. This regional project is designed to raise awareness of the importance of intelligent transportation systems within the Mexico City local government.
