Jennifer Gammond, Mary Gammond, Javier Choc

Code Blue is an automated, affordable, and reliable CPR/AED stretcher equipped with GNSS/GSM/GPRS that saves lives if used within the first five minutes of a medical emergency.

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Heart disease accounts for one in three deaths in the U.S., and 95% of people in sudden cardiac arrest die before reaching the hospital. While quick bystander action can double the survival rate if CPR is applied and the victim is rushed to the hospital, there is one (twofold) problem: Bystanders typically lack CPR training and an awareness of where they currently are.

Code Blue is intuitive enough to be used by a bystander who has never seen it before. It incorporates robotics and life-saving systems that perform critical functions on their own. Code Blue’s combined GNSS/GSM/GPRS system autonomously signals for rapid assistance, offers reliability, and increases the accuracy of the victim’s location. The robust features of Galileo PRS will lower the risk of jamming and spoofing, which in turn will increase the victim’s chances of surviving.

Customer benefits

This GNSS/GSM/GPRS system autonomously signals for assistance, offers reliability, and increases the accuracy of the victim’s location. The robust features of Galileo PRS will lower the risk of jamming and spoofing, thereby increasing the victim’s chances of surviving.
