Carlos Callejero Andrés, Julio Pantoja Dominguez, Ignacio Gómez Maqueda

Too many accidents occur in the workplace. The latest related report conducted in Spain revealed that there are 412 fatalities per year. A large number of accidents happen while workers are performing maintenance tasks alone. If a worker is not assisted quickly, the consequences can be fatal. At present, there is no system capable of autonomously reporting the exact location of an injured person to a control centre. VardiaN is a service platform designed to prevent accidents, reduce the response time of emergency services, and minimise the severity of accidents. Here, it is necessary to equip operators with a system capable of:

  • Locating its position both indoors and outdoors
  • Detecting falls, lack of movement, sudden accelerations, and other anomalies
  • Detecting worker access to unauthorised areas
  • Detecting whether the operator has taken all the safety equipment required for the work at hand
  • Sending and receiving alarms, notifications, and other messages to and from the control centre

Two different solutions will be offered:

  • An app for operators who already have company smartphones
  • Wearable Personnel Protection Equipment (PPE) with optional ATEX casing
