Christophe Aubé, Emmanuel Goua-De-Baix, Clément Baron

Precision agriculture presents a solution for more ecological practices, but the high investment cost is a barrier to adoption for farmers. AgreenCulture has thus developed a low-cost RTK localisation system that offers both integrity and centimetre-level precision. The integrity attribute enables robots to confirm their position, which helps prevent them from leaving a defined perimeter. The system continuously calculates its positioning using GNSS to tell robots when to go and when to stop, which provides for safer autonomy. AgreenCulture can mainly be used in agriculture at present, as precision is crucial in optimising agricultural input and keeping robots from pulling out crops by mistake. Tested in 2018, the solution could be used in airports and on railways, as well. Galileo services have made AgreenCulture a more robust system with faster convergence and improved navigation continuity. The idea is to present a robust, cost-efficient GNSS navigation system for professionals and the premium mass market that supports the joint development of robots.

Customer benefits

Professionals will benefit from a safe, cost-efficient GNSS navigation system consisting of:

  • Centimeter-level precision RTK and integrity monitoring
  • An autonomous robot or co-developed robots integrated into the system
